Monthly Archives: <span>January 2022</span>

Weekend Storms Cause Damage in Ky. and Ala.

HOPKINSVILLE, Ky. (AP–Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear declared a state of emergency on Saturday as powerful storms ripped through the state causing flash floods, power outages and property damage, including from a possible tornado in Hopkinsville. There were no immediate reports …

Architect Not Liable For Flawed Plans Submitted to Self-Certification Program

A Chicago ordinance that allows developers to bypass the usual plan review by city building officials by submitting self-certification from an architect did not give homeowners a right to take legal action against that architect after design flaws were discovered, …

Viewpoint: New Year’s Resolutions For Handling Short-Fuse Settlement Demands

The holidays — parties, family, and the spirit of giving. Some personal injury plaintiff’s attorneys really get into the spirit, hoping to receive the gift of “open” policy limits and unlimited injury recoveries by making short-fused settlement demands, that are …