National News

Judge Cuts Johnson & Johnson Damages from $8 Billion to $6.8 Million in Risperdal Case

A Pennsylvania judge on Friday slashed to $6.8 million from $8 billion a punitive damages award against Johnson & Johnson to a man who said it failed to warn that boys using its antipsychotic drug Risperdal could grow breasts. Judge …

Appeals Court Turns Down Teens’ Bid to Force Climate Change Action By Government

Climate change should be addressed by Congress and the electorate, not the courts, a federal appeals panel ruled in ending a lawsuit brought on behalf of young people who sought to force the government to draw up a plan to …

U.S. Will Look at Sudden Acceleration Complaints Involving 500,000 Tesla Vehicles

WASHINGTON — The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said Friday it will review a petition asking the agency to formally investigate 500,000 Tesla Inc vehicles over sudden unintended acceleration reports. The petition covers 2012 through 2019 model year Tesla …

Bayer Roundup Deal Is Close as Claims Surge, Mediator Says

Bayer AG may be only weeks away from settling more than 75,000 cancer claims over its Roundup weed-killer, after a surge in claims to almost double the number disclosed by the company in September, according to the court-appointed mediator in …

Bayer Roundup Deal Is Close as Claims Surge, Mediator Says

Bayer AG’s settlement of cancer lawsuits over its Roundup weed-killer may be only weeks away and is likely to cover more than 75,000 claims, almost double the number disclosed by the company in September, according to the court-appointed mediator in …

FAA’s Assumptions in Boeing 737 Max Approval Faulted by Experts

Decades-old assumptions about how pilots would behave and a failure to grasp the complexity of a new flight-control system plagued the design certification of Boeing Co.’s 737 Max, a blue-ribbon panel of experts concluded. The group issued 10 recommendations, calling …

States Oppose Trump Proposal to Ship LNG by Rail, Citing Safety Risk

WASHINGTON — Attorneys general from 16 U.S. states have opposed a Trump administration proposal to ship liquefied natural gas (LNG) by rail, arguing that potential leaks from the shipments pose risks of fiery explosions to residents and emergency responders. The …

Boeing’s ‘Very Bad’ Internal Messages Boost Crash Victim Suits

Internal emails from Boeing Co. employees could strengthen the legal case for families claiming the company’s push to minimize the training needed for new 737 Max aircraft contributed to two crashes that killed 346 people. Employees bragged about fooling the …

NSA Discovers Flaw in Microsoft Windows That Could Enable Cyber Intrusions

The National Security Agency announced that it had found a “critical vulnerability” in Microsoft Corp.’s Windows operating systems that could enable cyber intrusions. The NSA recognized “the severity of the vulnerability” and disclosed it to Microsoft to expedite the process …

Business People: Anti-Fraud Coalition, CRU Group, Liberty Co., Transcom

Fraud Fighting Group Names New Leader The Coalition Against Insurance Fraud announced that its general counsel, Matthew J. Smith, has been promoted to executive director. Smith replaces Dennis Jay, who retired after serving as executive director since the coalition was …

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