National News

U.S. Flood Risk Model to be Publicly Available in Boon for Homebuyers

NEW YORK, Jan 14 — A climate research organization will offer access to a risk model that predicts the probability of flooding for homes across the United States, giving the public a look at the data institutional investors use to …

Waymo’s Long-Term Commitment to Safety Drivers in Autonomous Cars

Alphabet Inc.’s Waymo took a big step forward last fall when it began ferrying riders around the Phoenix area in robotaxis without human safetydrivers. Humans have been behind the wheel for almost all of the 20 million miles of testing …

Viewpoint: The Future of Contents Restoration

The insurance industry has made great strides in embracing and implementing technology to go beyond customer service and create the customer experience. The result? Higher policyholder retention rates, shorter claim cycles and reduced claim costs. To maintain these results, the …

Death Toll From Storms in South and Midwest Rises to 11

HOUSTON — Severe storms sweeping across southern portions of the U.S. and up into the Midwest were blamed Saturday in the deaths of at least 11 people, including two first responders, as high winds, tornadoes and unrelenting rain battered large …

Supreme Court Declines to Consider Medical Diagnostic Patents

The U.S. Supreme Court stayed out of the debate over what types of medical diagnostic tests can be patented, leaving in legal limbo companies that discover ways to diagnose and treat diseases based on patients’ unique characteristics. The justices rejected …

FDA’s Juul Inquiry Found Consumers Had 2,600 Health Complaints

Juul Labs Inc. received roughly 2,600 complaints about adverse health effects related to its e-cigarette during its first three years in operation, with customers citing issues such as burning sensations in the lungs, blistered lips and vomiting, according to an …

Government Experts Urge New Talc Testing Standards Amid Asbestos Worries

An expert panel formed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has endorsed asbestos testing standards for cosmetics that reject long-held industry positions and reflect those of public health authorities and experts for thousands of plaintiffs who allege contaminated talc …

Bayer Roundup Mediator Is ‘Optimistic’ With Talks Heating Up

Bayer AG’s settlement talks over tens of thousands of lawsuits alleging its Roundup herbicide causes cancer are heating up as the company’s lawyers meet with individual attorneys representing consumers across the U.S., according to people familiar with the negotiations. The …

U.S. Had 14 Weather Disasters Costing $1 Billion or More in 2019

The U.S. had 14 weather disasters costing $1 billion or more last year, with Midwest flooding accounting for almost half of the total, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Flooding from the Missouri, Mississippi and Arkansas rivers caused …

United Steelworkers Sues EPA Over Weakening of Chemical Safety Rule

NEW YORK — The United Steelworkers sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in federal court on Thursday in a bid to reverse its gutting of a safety rule at chemical plants, the union said. The largest U.S. industrial union’s lawsuit …

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