National News

Dollar Tree Gets FDA Warning for Potentially Dangerous Drugs

Dollar Tree received a warning letter from U.S. regulators for buying over-the-counter drugs from foreign manufacturers that were made in such substandard conditions that they had been barred from entry to the U.S. The letter sent to Greenbrier International Inc., …

American Air Union Says Some Attendants Scared to Fly on 737 Max

Some American Airlines Group Inc. flight attendants remain fearful of flying the Boeing Co. 737 Max, even as the planemaker nears regulatory approval for a software update to return the grounded jet to service. Attendants want to be fully versed …

U.S. Manufacturing Group Hacked By China as Trade Talks Intensified-Sources

WASHINGTON — As trade talks between Washington and Beijing intensified earlier this year, suspected Chinese hackers broke into an industry group for U.S. manufacturers that has helped shape President Donald Trump’s trade policies, according to two people familiar with the …

MetLife Is Sued Over Alleged Gender Pay Gap, Sexist Comments

A former MetLife Inc. executive claims she suffered years of gender-based pay discrimination and harassment from members of the insurer’s top leadership team and that she was fired after complaining about a lack of diversity. Mona Moazzaz, a former chief …

Boeing’s Humans Step in After Robots Fumble Assembly of 777 Jets

Score one for the humans. After four years of trial and error, Boeing Co. is dumping the robots that build two main fuselage sections for its 777 jetliners and the upgraded model known as 777X. Instead, the Chicago-based planemaker will …

Sorry, Wrong Number: Statistical Benchmark Comes Under Fire

Earlier this fall Dr. Scott Solomon presented the results of a huge heart drug study to an audience of fellow cardiologists in Paris. The results Solomon was describing looked promising: Patients who took the medication had a lower rate of …

Rising U.S. Losses From Powerful Hurricanes Flag Need for Better Protection

Only a few U.S. states are taking significant steps to reduce hurricane risks, as a study this week showed the most damaging storms are now three times as frequent as a century ago and have become the costliest type of …

McDonald’s Workers Sue Over Sexual Harassment, ‘Toxic’ Work Culture

McDonald’s Corp was sued on Tuesday by workers in Michigan who accused the fast-food chain of allowing pervasive sexual harassment to flourish at its restaurants nationwide. The proposed class action lawsuit filed in a Michigan state court accused McDonald’s of …

Gunmaker Rejected as Supreme Court Lets Sandy Hook Families Sue

The U.S. Supreme Court dealt a blow to the gun industry, refusing to block a lawsuit against Remington Arms Co. by family members of nine people killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. The lawsuit blames the gunmaker’s …

The Case of the Sunk Float Tank

Floatation tanks, also known as isolation tanks, flotation tanks and sensory deprivation units are therapeutic devices used to create a “restricted environmental stimulation therapy”, also known as REST. The technique was researched early in the 1950’s as a means of …

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