
Business News: AIG, Willis Towers Watson, Betterview

AIG Introduces Blackboard, New Brand for Data Enabled, Digital Subsidiary American International Group, Inc. introduced Blackboard, the new brand name and logo for its technology-focused subsidiary, formerly operating under the Hamilton USA brand. AIG completed the acquisition of Hamilton USA …

Las Vegas Crash Highlights Risks of Sharing Road With Robots

It only took a few hours for the first self-driving taxi shuttling people around Las Vegas to collide with a vehicle being driven by a human doing something it didn’t expect. The driverless passenger van was on its first day …

Employees May Soon Be Taking Climate Leave

Even the workplace has to adapt to the warming world. As climate change creates more intense storms, companies have started preparing for work disruptions due to extreme weather. In a sign of the times, Fog Creek, a software company based …

Oregon’s North Coast Planners Question Development in Tsunami Zone

This fall a child care center moved into a building in Astoria that Oregon State Police had left because it was in the tsunami inundation zone. This summer, Patrick Corcoran, a coastal hazards specialist with Oregon State University’s Sea Grant …

Big Insurers Brace for Perilous Future as Climate Risks Escalate

After one of the worst Atlantic hurricane seasons in history, the world’s biggest insurers say the industry needs to get its act together if it wants to survive climate change. Insuring against weather natural disasters could reach unaffordable levels for …

Chipotle Says No Link to ‘Supergirl’ Actor’s Illness

Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc. said there’s no connection between the company and an illness suffered by “Supergirl” actor Jeremy Jordan, who blamed the burrito chain for making him severely sick. “There is not a link and there are no other …

Penn State Payouts on Sandusky Sex Abuse Claims Now Top $100M

Penn State disclosed Friday it recently paid out an additional $16 million to people with claims they were sexually abused by former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, raising the total over several years to more than $100 million. It’s not …

Aaron Hernandez’ Brain Severely Damaged by CTE

Former New England Patriots player Aaron Hernandez suffered substantial damage to parts of the brain that affect memory, judgment and behavior from the most severe case of a degenerative disease linked to head blows ever found in someone so young, …

Former Yahoo CEO: No One Immune from Hacks

Former Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer told lawmakers Wednesday that the threat from state-sponsored hackers has changed the playing field so dramatically that even the best-defended companies can fall victim. Mayer joined former and current CEOs of Equifax in testifying before …

Minnesota Supreme Court Rules That Statutory Attorney’s Fees Are Capped by the Policy Limit

The question of whether attorney’s fees awarded under Minnesota’s insurance unreasonable denial statute could exceed the policy limits of the policy was recently addressed by the Minnesota Supreme Court in Wilbur v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co., 892 NW2d …

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