
Trump Signs $36.5B Emergency Aid Bill for Disasters

President Donald Trump signed a $36.5 billion emergency aid measure on Thursday to refill disaster accounts, provide a cash infusion to Puerto Rico and bail out the federal flood insurance program. The president signed the bill after the Senate sent …

Study Finds More Evidence That Energy Waste Wells Cause Quakes

Scientists say they have more evidence that an increase in earthquakes on the Colorado-New Mexico border since 2001 has been caused by wells that inject wastewater from oil and gas production back underground, similar to human-caused quakes in Oklahoma and …

California Dam Repair Costs to Top $500M

California officials say repair costs at the nation’s tallest dam will be nearly double the original estimate of $275 million. Department of Water Resources spokeswoman Erin Mellon said Thursday the contract with Kiewit Corp. at 770-foot Oroville Dam will grow …

White House Warns Next Disaster Bill to Cost ‘Tens of Billions’

The White House says the next request for disaster aid will cost tens of billions of dollars and Congress should consider making cuts in other government programs to finance it. In a letter to top lawmakers in Congress, Office of …

Officials Reflect on Superstorm Sandy 5 Years Later

It’s been five years since Superstorm Sandy struck the Eastern seaboard late during the 2012 hurricane season. Recently, local city and government officials were interviewed to give their perspective on the storm in a five-year overview video created by James …

Honolulu Building Fire Site Open for Inspection by Potential Litigants

The Marco Polo condominium building in which a July fire killed four has been opened to numerous people who might file lawsuits, potential defendants such as product manufacturers and their insurers, and fire experts from across the nation. As of …

Report Highlights Regional Differences in California Workers’ Comp Claim Costs

The Los Angeles Long Beach region continues to lead the state in workers’ compensation claim frequency (28 percent above average), while Silicon Valley comes at 20 percent below average, according to a new report released by the WCIRB. The numbers …

New York Regulators Investigating NRA Insurance for Gun Owners

An insurance policy offered by the National Rifle Association is under scrutiny by insurance regulators after gun-control groups raised questions about how it’s being marketed. Carry Guard insurance was launched earlier this year by the nation’s most powerful gun lobbying …

Senate Passes $36.5B Disaster Aid Bill; President Signature Next

The Senate passed a $36.5 billion emergency aid measure Tuesday to refill disaster accounts, provide a much-needed cash infusion to Puerto Rico, and bail out the federal flood insurance program. The 82-17 vote sends the measure to the White House, …

Travelers’ 2017 Risk Index: Top Worries Center on Cyber, Driving and Workplace

According to the latest Travelers Risk Index, 52 percent of consumers say they think the world is getting riskier, down from 63 percent when the survey was launched in 2013. The 2017 index identifies the overall perception of risks for …

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