
Fighting Commercial Auto Frequency, Severity Drivers With Technology

Litigation financing, distracted driving and unexpected verdicts are just some of the factors impacting commercial auto frequency and severity, according to panelists speaking at the 2017 Risk Management Summit last week. There’s been a focus on commercial auto underwriting losses …

Asbestos, Dry Cleaning Agent Among 10 Chemicals Under EPA Review

Under a congressional mandate, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is reviewing 10 chemicals to determine if they pose an unreasonable risk to human health or the environment and should be subject to additional regulation. They range from asbestos, which was …

Survey Reveals Bullish but Measured Outlook in Race to Self-Driving Cars

As Congress makes headway on legislation to expedite the rollout of self-driving cars, automotive and technology companies are already forging ahead in spite of lingering regulatory uncertainty and other challenges, according to a new survey conducted by law firm Foley …

Fiat Chrysler Requests New Trial After $40M Jeep Fire Award

After a family was awarded $40 million in the death of a 4-year-old boy in a Jeep fire, Fiat Chrysler on Tuesday asked the Georgia Supreme Court for a new trial or for the award to be reduced. Remington “Remi” …

Business News: Safety National, Starr Companies, Paradigm Outcomes, Willis Towers Watson

Safety National Adds Cyber Risk Insurance to Product Offerings Safety National has entered the cyber risk insurance marketplace with a portfolio of coverage to assist companies in addressing global network security and privacy breach incidents. Safety National’s cyber risk insurance …

Cellphone Use While Crossing a Street Now Banned in Honolulu

A new city ordinance that makes it illegal to look at a cellphone or other electronic device while crossing a street or highway in Honolulu officially goes into effect today. The electronic device pedestrian safety bill 6 (2017), CD2, FD2, …

California Launches Major Clean-up After Wine Country Wildfire

Government officials outlined plans Monday for what they say will be the largest fire clean-up in California history, aimed at removing hazardous substances and ash from 8,400 homes and other structures burned in Northern California wildfires. With hundreds of anxious …

GAO Report Says Climate Change Already Costs U.S. Billions in Losses

A non-partisan federal watchdog says climate change is already costing U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars each year, with those costs expected to rise as devastating storms, floods, wildfires and droughts become more frequent in the coming decades. A Government Accountability …

Study Finds Bad Flood Could Hit NYC Every 5 Years

Within the next three decades, floods that used to strike the New York City area only once every 500 years could occur every five years, according to a new scientific study released just days before the fifth anniversary of Superstorm …

Second Bacterium Found in Louisiana Mass Food Poisoning

Louisiana health officials say a second bacterium, in addition to the salmonella found, apparently contributed to the mass food poisoning that may have killed one person and apparently sickened more than 100 people who ate ate the chicken and sausage …

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