
Decisions Still Pending on 3 Florida FEMA Appeals

Florida communities cleaning up and making repairs after Hurricane Irma may expect the U.S. government to reimburse their costs, but an analysis by The Associated Press shows the Federal Emergency Management Agency make take years to pay those bills – …

P&C Insurance Claims Transformation in 2017 – Retrospective and Prospective

Insurance carriers have made an unprecedented investment to improve the integrity of their claims systems and processes. This transformation started in the US over 15 years ago with the original goal of improving financial accuracy, financial control, upgrading legacy technology …

Warming Seas Could Lead to 70% Rise in Hurricane-Related Financial Loss

If oceans warm at a rate predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the United Nation-sponsored group that assesses climate change research and issues periodic reports, expected financial losses caused by hurricanes could increase more than 70 percent by …

Former Player Says Parents Should Be Warned of Football’s Risks

Parents should be informed before they sign up their kids to play football that the sport can cause long-term neurological damage, even to players who don’t have obvious concussion symptoms, NFL Hall of Famer Harry Carson told a congressional panel …

Montana Marijuana Providers Await Testing Requirement Details

When Tyler Smith was diagnosed with testicular cancer, medical marijuana didn’t feel like a valid option. He took opioids to manage the pain of nine months of chemotherapy. To balance the side effects, he took anti-nausea medication. When he stopped …

Michigan Bill to Reduce Auto Insurance Premiums is in Peril

Legislation to reduce Michigan’s high auto insurance premiums by letting drivers opt out of mandatory unlimited medical coverage is in peril, with majority Republicans lacking enough support to pass it on their own and many Democrats pushing an alternative plan. …

Common Reasons for FEMA Denial of Funds After Disasters

Local governments and nonprofits trying to recover from major disasters have sometimes learned the hard way that money spent on protective measures, cleanup and rebuilding is not always reimbursed by the U.S. government. The Associated Press analyzed more than 900 …

Surge in Drone Safety Reports Prompts FAA ‘Emergency’ Action

Reports of safety incidents involving civilian drones have surged to an average of 250 a month, leading to a federal “emergency” action to approve drone flights in restricted areas, according to a government notice seeking new procedures for the craft. …

Smooth Sailing for a Pollution Exclusion?

The question of whether carbon monoxide constitutes a pollutant for purposes of a standard policy pollution exclusion has been mixed among the courts. Whether carbon monoxide constitutes pollution is jurisdiction-specific and depends on whether the jurisdiction adopts a traditional or …

Safety a Focus for Oklahoma Wind Turbine Maintenance Workers

For Kalon Moore and Jackson Rollins, it’s a sight they never tire of. Just about every day on the job, the two look out at the Oklahoma landscape in every direction for miles, several hundred feet atop a wind turbine. …

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