
Houston Eyes Flood Control Projects During Harvey Recovery

Houston officials said Saturday that they’re already thinking about how to build and fund projects that will lessen the blow of the next storm, even as the nation’s fourth-largest city continues to recover from Harvey’s devastating floodwaters. Leaders with the …

Safety Stop Off in West Virginia Miner Death

State investigators have concluded that a miner overrode an emergency stop function on a remote-controlled mining machine that crushed him in June, and that warning lights on the machine weren’t working either. Rodney S. Osborne, 32, of Artie, West Virginia, …

Americans Most Worried About Hacking Risk of Driverless Cars

U.S. residents are “polarized” on whether to embrace driverless cars, according to a survey by insurer American International Group Inc. The 1,000 people polled were almost equally split on whether they were comfortable sharing the road with autonomous vehicles, with …

Coast Guard Report Points to Captain Errors as Cause of El Faro Sinking

A Coast Guard report released Sunday says the primary cause of the 2015 sinking of the cargo ship El Faro, which killed all 33 aboard, was the captain underestimating the strength of a hurricane and overestimating the ship’s strength. The …

Geologist Allays Concerns, Yosemite Rock Falls Don’t Mean More Danger

Rock falls that killed a British tourist and injured two other people in Yosemite National Park aren’t stopping climbers intent on scaling the sheer walls of El Capitan and a park geologist says there’s no more danger than usual. “If …

The Recorded Statement and the Art of Storytelling

Taking a claimant’s recorded statement is often a required portion of your claims investigation process, and for good reason. The statement may impact your decision to accept or deny a claim, as it usually provides valuable information regarding the mechanism …

Irma’s Destruction of Mobile Homes Challenges Florida Keys’ Recovery

Architect Kobi Karp has a vision for affordable housing in the Florida Keys: residences set at coconut-tree height to keep them dry, atop concrete columns holding them in place. Key West clients sought out his designs before Hurricane Irma struck …

Vegas Mass Shooting Heightens Live Event Safety Concerns

The shooting attack at a Las Vegas concert on Sunday night that killed at least 50 people is the latest in a series of massacres in recent years that are reshaping the live-events industry. The attack by a solo gunman …

Florida’s Hurricane Irma Debris Could Linger for Months

Officials across the state of Florida say the cleanup of debris left in Hurricane Irma‘s wake could last until the end of hurricane season. In the hard-hit Florida Keys, Monroe County officials say 400 members of the Florida National Guard …

Processing of Harvey Flood-Damaged Cars Continues, Boost in Car Sales Seen

As Hurricane Harvey poured on Houston, Frank Rodriguez feared for his 2014 GMC Sierra. Once he saw the pickup’s soaking-wet interior and center console full of water, he knew it was a lost cause. He just hoped his insurance company …

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