
Claims Journal’s Top 10 Legal Articles of 2016

For the second year in a row, Claims Journal compiled a list of the top read legal articles of 2016. This year’s article topics covered everything from hail to driverless car litigation. Several articles on hail topped the list of …

More Quakes From Energy Drilling Expected in Oklahoma

Oklahoma regulators said last week that the number of induced earthquakes could increase as oil and gas production expands in a broad area of the state, and they’re telling energy companies that they need to be ready to shut down …

Family Sues California City After Falling Tree Kills Teen

At least four people in California have been killed when decaying trees have snapped over the past 16 months, including an Oakland teen whose family is suing the city over his death last December while he was climbing a tree. …

Feds Charged 6 Minnesota Chiropractors in Auto Insurance Fraud Scheme

Six Minneapolis-area chiropractors are among 21 people charged with conspiracy to commit health care fraud in what federal authorities described Wednesday as separate schemes that defrauded auto insurance companies out of more than $20 million. More charges against more chiropractors …

Pennsylvania School Transit Company, Owner Charged With Insurance Fraud

A school transit contractor with a $2.4 million contract to provide rides to some Pittsburgh, Pa., charter school students has been charged with failing to properly insure some vehicles and hiring drivers with criminal records by ignoring state-mandated background checks. …

Researchers Say Climate Change Will Drive Stronger, Smaller Storms in the U.S.

The effects of climate change will likely cause smaller but stronger storms in the United States, according to a new framework for modeling storm behavior developed at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory. Though storm intensity is expected …

Arizona Welcomes Uber Self-Driving Cars After California Negotiations Stall

A fleet of self-driving Uber cars left for Arizona last week after they were banned from California roads over safety concerns. The announcement came after Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey took to social media on Wednesday and Thursday touting Arizona as …

How Insurers Can Combat the Rising Cost of Third Party Auto Claims

Insurance carriers today are struggling to keep up with the rising cost of third party auto claims. While there are multiple factors driving up costs, there are three primary problems that stand out – complex industry trends, inconsistent evaluation and …

No Exceptions: Wisconsin Supreme Court Upholds Four Corners Rule

The Wisconsin Supreme Court eliminates any doubt that there is no exception to the four-corners rule in duty to defend cases in Wisconsin. In a split decision, the Wisconsin Supreme Court in Water Well Solutions Service Group, Inc. v. Consolidated …

Facebook Drone Crash Caused by Wind Gusts, Wing Failure

Federal investigators say Facebook’s unmanned aircraft crashed while landing because strong winds broke a wing. CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said Silicon Valley-based Facebook wants a fleet of high-flying aircraft that can be deployed to send internet signals to remote parts …

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