Business News and Mergers News

Business News: ROC-Connect, InsurTech, MedRisk

ROC-Connect Launches New Home Safety Products to Mitigate the Risk of Flood, Fire and Frost Smart home and IoT platform provider offers Smart Home Kit and Home Safety Scorecard for mitigating risk and improving homeowner engagement Calif.-based ROC-Connect, an Internet …

Business News: Nationwide, ISO, CLARA Analytics

Nationwide to Hire 1,000 Veterans By End of 2020 Nationwide announced plans to hire at least 1,000 more veterans by the end of 2020. In 2012, Nationwide set a goal to recruit and hire 1,000 veterans. In April, Nationwide reached …

Business News: ISO, Erie Insurance, Verisk Analytics

ISO Announces New Miscellaneous Professional Liability Program ISO, a Verisks Analytics business, announced a new Miscellaneous Professional Liability Program to help insurers cover one of the fastest-growing sectors of the U.S. economy. The professional services industry in the United States …

Business News: Coverys, USI, Markel, QBE North America

Coverys Announces Acquisition of Med-IQ Coverys announced the acquisition of Med-IQ, a global provider of medical education and healthcare quality improvement. Baltimore-based Med-IQ provides certified educational courses for clinicians; offers a suite of educational services to hospitals, academic medical centers, …

Business News: Chubb, AIG, Vericlaim

Chubb has expanded its business owner’s policy, Chubb BOP, to the technology industry by crafting specialized insurance features and benefits to meet the unique risks faced by small businesses in the technology segment. The policy includes more than 80 property …