forensic accountants News

Viewpoint: Detecting Inflation-Driven Fraud in Insurance Claims

Following the easing of Covid pandemic restrictions, we are now facing a fresh “cost of living crisis” created by rising inflation and soaring energy bills. The Guardian newspaper reported that petrol stations in the United Kingdom face up to 3,000 …

Viewpoint: Understanding the Factors Impacting Gas Station Business Income Losses

Whether the damage to a gasoline station’s gas pumps results from car accidents, fires, lightning strikes, vandalism, or even floods, there are many distinct aspects to consider when reviewing and analyzing related business income losses (or evaluating equipment replacement costs). …

Viewpoint: Cyberattacks Present Unique Challenges for Business Interruption Claims

Introduction As businesses continue to rely on computers and digital storage of important data, cyberattacks are a growing potential threat to these organizations—especially now, as businesses have transitioned their workforces to work remotely. There are many types of cyber threats, …