Removal of Japanese Dock on Olympic Coast Completed

A 185-ton dock that washed out to sea during the March 2011 tsunami in Japan has now been removed from Washington’s Olympic Coast. Crews from The Undersea Company of Port Townsend, Wash., removed the last of the dock’s concrete and …

Population on U.S. Coasts Expected to Grow Despite Storm Risks: NOAA

If current population trends continue, the already crowded U.S. coast will see population grow from 123 million people to nearly 134 million people by 2020, putting more of the population at increased risk from extreme coastal storms like Sandy and …

Forecaster Sees Few El Niño Problems in Northern Hemisphere Into Summer

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a key U.S. weather forecaster, on Thursday extended into the summer its view that the El Niño climate phenomenon should present few weather problems in the Northern Hemisphere. In its monthly report, the Climate …

Prediction Advances and the Role of Climate Change in Hurricane Forecasting

According to a public awareness project by the University of Illinois dubbed WW2010, in the early part of the century, coastal residents had less than a day’s notice of an impending hurricane. But satellites have helped spur advances in hurricane …

NOAA Study: Hotter, Wetter Climate Slashes Labor Capacity 10%

Earth’s increasingly hot, wet climate has cut the amount of work people can do in the worst heat by about 10 percent in the past six decades, and that loss in labor capacity could double by mid-century, U.S. government scientists …

‘Hurricane Hunter’ Plane Helps With Winter Storms

What’s the trick to helping figure out winter weather on the U.S. mainland? One way, according to meteorologists, is sending a hurricane hunter aircraft from Alaska or Hawaii to fly reconnaissance over the Pacific Ocean. For about 15 years, the …

The Whopper of a Storm Didn’t Rank High in History

The snowstorm that walloped the Northeast with about 3 feet in some places didn’t add up to being that bad, federal statistics say. Two National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration storm-rating measurements initially ranked Friday’s snowstorm as 16th in Northeast history …

NOAA Warns On Storm Surge

In case Superstorm Sandy did not convince risk experts that hurricane categories are not useful predictors of potential storm surge levels, a NOAA executive hammered home the point at a recent insurance conference. “We recently have stopped attaching storm surge …

NOAA Exec Outlines NFIP Challenges

A mandate prescribed by the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform law is a major challenge for a federal weather agency, an executive of NOAA revealed at an insurance conference last week. Edward Johnson, director of strategic planning and policy for the …

Tsunami Debris in Alaska Overwhelming: NOAA

Debris that gathered this past summer on Alaska’s Kayak Island made walking on its beaches feel like walking through a natural disaster zone, a federal biologist said Thursday. Jacek Maselko, a biologist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in …