workers’ compensation News

NCCI Says Fewer Miles Driven During Pandemic Means Fewer Comp Claims

The COVID-19 pandemic comes with one bright spot for workers’ compensation insurers: Fewer workers are being injured in motor vehicle accidents. A research brief issued by the National Council on Compensation Insurance last week projects that workers’ compensation claims caused …

OCIPS, CCIPS and Wrap-Up Insurance: The Lesser-Known Subrogation Obstacles

Workers’ compensation subrogation has another growing adversary—one that can slip in during the cover of night, gutting subrogation, and reimbursement rights, even after an insurance company or third-party administrator has spent tens of thousands of dollars in recovery efforts. It …

N.Y. Appellate Ruling Opens Door For More Work-From-Home Injury Claims

A ruling by a New York appellate court could bring more workers’ compensation claims by work-from-home employees by removing strict compensability standards established last year by the state Workers’ Compensation Board. The 3rd Judicial Department of the Supreme Court Appellate …

Mass. Holds the Line on Reimbursement for Marijuana, but Some States Pushing Further

Massachusetts’ highest court ruled Tuesday that a workers’ compensation insurer cannot be required to reimburse a claimant for the cost of marijuana he used to curb chronic pain from a workplace accident, as long as the substance remains illegal under …

Amazon Injuries Risk State Backlash, Higher Workers’ Comp Costs

Injuries in Inc. warehouses could damage more than just the company’s reputation. They could start to hurt the e-commerce giant’s bottom line, as well. Washington state’s workplace safety regulator says workers in Amazon’s highly automated warehouses are injured at …

NCCI Says 2% of COVID-19 Work Comp Claims May Result in Permanent Disability

If COVID-19 behaves like other workers’ compensation lung and disease claims, about two out of 100 cases may result in some degree of permanent partial disability and one out of 2,000 may result in permanent total disability, according to a …

State: Worker Who Got $186,000 in ‘Dog Phobia’ Case Owned Dogs

OLYMPIA, Wash. — A meter reader who was attacked by a dog while on duty and collected years of workers’ compensation is now accused of stealing the money, the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries said . Linda Jordan …

Claims Business: ClimateCheck, Mitchell and Crawford & Co.

Startup Offering Free Climate Risk Checkups ClimateCheck, a San Francisco startup, is offering consumers free reports that assess the vulnerability of individual properties to climate-related risks such as wildfires and flooding. The company said in a press release that ClimateCheck …

California COVID Presumption Law Creates New Data Tracking Burdens

A California law enacted last month that eases the path to workers’ compensation benefits for employees who contract COVID-19 will require an unprecedented level of documentation and communication between claims managers and employers. “I have joked that this should be …

Meatpackers Deny Workers Benefits For Covid-19 Deaths, Illnesses

Saul Sanchez died in April, one of six workers with fatal COVID-19 infections at meatpacker JBS USA’s slaughterhouse in Greeley, Colorado, the site of one of the earliest and deadliest coronavirus outbreaks at a U.S. meatpacking plant. Before getting sick, …