Expert viewpoints

Product Recall Trends: Navigating New Compounding Risks in 2024

The past quarter alone has been an active season for product recalls in the U.S. From April to June, 254.56 million product units were recalled across the automotive, consumer products, food and drink, pharmaceutical and medical device industries. That’s more …

In the Dark: Telling The Truth About Flooding Requires Accurate Maps and Strong Disclosure Laws

Hundreds of thousands of Americans already live in homes that have repeatedly flooded. To get a good handle on the extent of those losses, check out the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s web page that hosts an extensive dataset with information …

Using AI to Provide a More Human Claims Experience

The robots are coming—and in some cases, they’re here. Advancements in generative artificial intelligence are enhancing claims processes in many ways, from improving First Notices of Loss (FNOLs) to analyzing videos and images to assessing damage quickly. With all of …

Game Theory and Worker’s Comp: Understanding Stakeholder Frictional Maps

In the complicated and highly regulated world of workers’ compensation, predicting the trajectory and resolution of a claim can be an intricate challenge. The interactions among injured workers, employers, insurance adjusters and treating physicians significantly influence how quickly a claim …

The Growing U.S. Flood Insurance Gap: A Wake-Up Call for the Industry

The flood insurance landscape in the U.S. is facing a significant challenge, with the number of policies in force steadily declining. Despite the increased frequency and severity of storms driven by climate change, fewer properties are being covered by flood …

Why Onsite Inspections Are Essential for Accurate Large Loss Property Damage Claims

In the complex and high-stakes world of large loss property damage claims, the importance of onsite inspections cannot be overstated. Although the rise of technology has introduced remote assessments as a convenient and cost-effective alternative, the benefits of physically being …

Viewpoint: Generative AI in Insurance Isn’t Working

The insurance industry is at a pivotal moment in embracing generative AI. According to the ISG Pulse Check State of the European Insurance Industry 2024, insurance firms are actively engaged in generative AI transformations and currently comprise nearly a quarter …

A Comprehensive Strategy for Optimizing Outcomes in Catastrophic Workers’ Comp Claims

Catastrophic workers’ compensation claims present a complex web of medical, legal and financial challenges. Professionals need a roadmap for navigating the intricate journey from initial injury through long-term care and potential settlement, with key strategies to improve outcomes in these …

Viewpoint: Pursuing Claims Involving Automated Driving Systems

We are still years away from full implementation of true self-driving cars in the U.S., but each step we take dramatically complicates and changes the face of auto claims handling, vehicle repairs, and subrogation litigation. When catastrophic claims are paid …

Understanding Complexities of HVAC Damage After a Hurricane is Crucial for Claims Adjusters

Hurricane-induced damage to properties is a significant concern for residential and commercial structures alike, particularly for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. HVAC systems are essential for maintaining indoor air quality and comfort, and their damage can lead to substantial …

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