Profitability, Protection Achievable Through ITV Initiatives and Claims Processes, According to Industry Executives

May 16, 2003

Industry experts will discuss the value of connecting ITV initiatives with claims processes to improve property carriers’ profitability and policyholder protection at Marshall and Swift/ Boeckh’s (MS/B’s) 17th annual Client Conference, June 4-6, at the Trump Marina Hotel Casino in Atlantic City.

Speakers Steven George, senior vice president, P/C Underwriting at
USAA, and Ian McNeill, vice president, Valuation Project at General Reinsurance will be joined by executives from ChoicePoint and The META Group to share their expertise relating to the conference theme: “Bridging the Gap between Underwriting and Claims.”

The conference brings together the leading P/C carriers in the U.S. and Canadian markets to discuss the latest technologies, best practices and services being implemented in the industry.

Conference topics also include the value of data elements, the impact of better insurable values and how claims settlement data can bring value to underwriting decisions.

“Like the property insurance industry itself, property underwriting and
claims decision processes continually evolve, and property executives look for strategies to successfully manage the challenges they face,” commented Bob Crine, president of MS/B. “Our speakers
bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that will benefit the industry as well as the consumer.”

For additional information, contact Marsha Berenson at:

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