- PIANY Summarizes 2004 Legislative Issues
- Pa. Woman Pleads Guilty to Insurance Fraud
- Mass. Man Pleads Guilty to Insurance Fraud
- N.Y. Agent Arrested on 50 Counts of Insurance Fraud
- Top Corporate Officer in N.J. Medicaid Clinic Sentenced to Prison for Insurance Fraud
- PCI Concerned with Restrictive Measures Under Consideration in Maine
- N.J. Man Charged with Stealing Thousands from 9/11 Disaster Programs Notes Additional Scams
- NYSID Reports Record Fraud Fighting Year
- N.J. Moves to Protect Policyholders; Files to Liquidate Insurer
- PCI to Testify at Md. Hurricane Claims Briefing
- Former N.J. Chiropractor Sentenced to Jail, Ordered to Pay $15,000 Civil Penalty
- Insurers Support N.J. Supreme Court Ruling on Single ‘Per Person’ Limit
- United National Group Ltd. Reports Settlement of Litigation by Its Subsidiary Diamond State Insurance Co.
- Pair of N.J. Residents Charged with Filing False Claims for Injuries in Nonexistent Accidents
- AMA Calls for Medical Liability Reform at Maryland Rally
- WCRI Study Reports Pa. Workers’ Comp Costs Per Claim Continue Upward Trend
- Vermont Commissioner Lists “Top 10” Investment Fraud Schemes
- NAMIC Applauds Mass. Governor’s Call for Auto Insurance Reform
- N.Y. Drivers Obtain Additional Auto Options
- Pa. Stresses Importance of ‘Get Smart About Insurance Week’
- NYS Senate to Hold Auto Fraud Hearing
- N.Y. Fraud Squad Busts Queens No-fault Insurance Ring; 33 Arrested
- PCI Says Competition Only Solution to Mass. Auto Dilemma
- N.J. Man Charged with $13,500 Insurance Fraud
- Pa. Acting Attorney General Secures Nearly $1.3 Million as Part of National Settlement
- OneBeacon Warns of Dangers from Freezing Pipes
- Investigation Leads to Arrest of N.Y. Financial Consultant
- Va. Bureau Encourages Residents to ‘Get Smart’ About Coverage
- N.Y. Charges Two with Arson Fraud
- Medford Man Sentenced for Conspiracy and Tax Fraud in Workers’ Comp Scam
- N.Y. Couple Arrested for Auto Arson Fraud
- Two Firefighters Plead Guilty to Torching Firehouse
- NAII Applauds N.Y. Court Decision Rejecting Absolute Liability Concept for Labor Law
- Former N.J. Agent Sentenced to 3 Years in Jail in Investment Funds Theft
- Donegal Completes Peninsula Acquisition
- Maine Superintendent Assesses Record Fine on CIGNA Healthcare, CIGNA Behavioral Health
- Mass. AG Appeals Auto Rate Increase Decision
- A.M. Best Reaffirms Excellent Rating for ProMutual Group
- IIABA Releases 2004 Legislative Agenda
- William Irons Resigns from R.I. Senate; Agent Refused to Reveal Clients
- WTC Judge to Litigants: ‘Lower the Tide of Bile’
- S&P Lowers Harleysville Group Ratings to ‘BBB-‘