The Hartford Financial Services Group Inc., a Connecticut writer of workers’ compensation, has contracted with Aetna to offer its customers the Aetna Workers’ Comp Access (AWCA) network of health care providers.
This arrangement, which became effective Sept. 1, is the second initiative of its kind. Aetna began providing services to The Hartford’s clients in Pennsylvania on June 1, and similar arrangements are planned for other states in the future.
Through this arrangement, The Hartford offers Connecticut insureds a certified workers’ comp plan that allows enrolled employers to guide injured workers to a broad network of credentialed medical providers and facilities. Through a contractual arrangement with AWCA, The Hartford is able to offer access to a group of services, including more than 11,300 medical care professionals, such as physicians, orthopedists, orthopedic surgeons, dentists and physical therapists and 28 hospitals.
It also includes some 23,000 ancillary services providers, such as durable medical equipment, home health agencies, skilled nursing facilities, laboratories, ambulatory surgicenters, diagnostic testing centers, optical facilities and orthotics facilities.
The Hartford provides workers’ comp insurance for more than 15,500 companies in Connecticut.
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