Crawford & Company Names Donnelly Specialty Head

September 16, 2024

Crawford & Company named Matt Donnelly head of Specialty Loss Adjusting.

Donnelly is Crawford Australia’s Head of Global Technical Services, the loss adjusting division focused on large and complex property losses. The change has Donnelly expanding his remit to lead the entire Specialty Loss Adjusting portfolio, which includes commercial and liability related claims, construction, energy and marine sector claims, as well as Crawford Forensic Accounting Services.

Donnelly will step up into the new position in November, taking over from Craig McLeod, who is taking a newly created role of head of quality and people development for Crawford’s Loss Adjusting businesses.

Matt Donnelly

Donnelly has more than 30 years of experience. He initially worked as an adjuster for Crawford between 2004 and 2016. He then spent seven years in general manager roles for buildings companies primarily servicing the insurance industry.

Crawford & Company is a claims management company with more than 700 offices around the world.

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