business income loss News

Fire-Damaged Cannabis Grower Loses $1.3 Million Business Income Loss Claim

A cannabis growing company has lost its bid to have its insurer cover $1.3 million in claimed business income losses after a building fire damaged almost 1,000 of its marijuana plants and shuttered one of its “flowering” rooms. A federal …

Cannabis Firm Fights Insurer’s Denial of Business Income Loss Claim Following Fire

A Berkshire Hathaway insurer is insisting it does not owe $1.3 million in claimed business income losses to a cannabis growing company after a building fire shuttered one of its “flowering” rooms for 68 days. National Fire and Marine Insurance …

Food Trucks: New Trend Equals New Risk

Popping up in metro areas across the country, popular food trucks have triggered festivals, a reality show, even lawsuits. Food truck operators have filed lawsuits in Georgia, New York and California protesting bans on mobile eateries, while brick and by …