May 18, 2021
Legal malpractice claims frequency leveled off in 2020, after two years of record payouts and total costs that approached $1 billion, according to a survey by Ames & Gough. The national brokerage, based in McLean, Virginia, said nine out of …
April 19, 2021
The number of cars on US roadways is returning to normal as states ease COVID-19 restrictions, but that doesn’t necessarily mean claims frequency and severity will return to historic patterns. Metromile, a San Francisco-based pay-as-you-go auto insurer, expects a permanent …
December 16, 2020
Auto casualty claimants are avoiding hospital emergency rooms during the COVID-19 pandemic but are generating increased hospital charges anyway, according to a new report by Mitchell, a San Diego-based claims administrator. “Anecdotally, we have heard that some people have been …
October 27, 2020
Customer use of digital interactions in the claims process has increased 18% since 2017 and the vast majority of policyholders are pleased with the process, J.D. Power said in its first U.S. Claims Digital Experience Study. “Personal interaction continues to …
June 25, 2020
While the frequency of workers’ compensation claims has continued a decades-long decline, the number of work injuries caused by motor vehicle accidents has continued a steady increase that began in 2011, according to a new report by the National Council …
April 23, 2019
The number of workplace injury claims continues to decline year after year despite significant changes in workforce demographics that one might think should increase claims frequency, according to a report released Monday by the National Council of Compensation Insurance. The …
February 8, 2016
Workers’ compensation claim severity continues to increase, while claims frequency declines, according the latest California hospital report benchmarking workers’ comp costs by Milliman and Keenan Healthcare. Data from 35 facilities (hospital systems and individual facilities) within California was aggregated to …
July 24, 2012
Long term care liability loss rates and claim severity reached an eight-year high and are expected to grow steadily in 2013 against a backdrop of health care provider budget constraints and uncertainty about health care reform, according to Aon Risk …