claim severity News

Insurance Defense Counsel a New Target of Legal Malpractice Claims

The size of payouts for legal malpractice claims reached an all-time high last year, and for the first time some of those claims were made by insurers against the defense attorneys they hire to represent their insureds, according to a …

RMS: Secondary Perils Responsible for Growing Share of Disaster Claims

Not only did natural catastrophes in 2021 break insurance claims records, but they also highlighted the growing cost of non-modeled characteristics of disasters, which are altering the industry’s understanding of these risks, according to a report published by RMS. “Secondary …

NCCI: Work Comp Claim Frequency Dipped During Height of Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic corresponded with an unusual decrease in workers’ compensation claim severity, while claim frequency was pretty much unchanged, according to a report released Wednesday by the National Council on Compensation Insurance. NCCI said average claim severity for lost-time …

ADAS Reduces Loss Costs For Auto Insurers Despite Increased Repair Costs, LexisNexis Says

Advanced driver assistance systems result in fewer claims and reduce insurers loss costs by up to 23%, according to a paper by LexisNexis Risk Solutions. John Kanet, director of auto insurance for LexisNexis, said the research shows ADAS has “a …

Cyber Claim Frequency Growing; Smaller Organizations Targeted

The share of policyholders who filed a cyberattack claim jumped by 50% from the first half of 2020 compared to the first half of 2021, according to a new report by cyber insurer Coalition. An increasing number of attacks were …

Legal Malpractice Claims Frequency Reaches Plateau After Year of Record Payouts

Legal malpractice claims frequency leveled off in 2020, after two years of record payouts and total costs that approached $1 billion, according to a survey by Ames & Gough. The national brokerage, based in McLean, Virginia, said nine out of …

Fitch Says Sharp Drop in Claims Frequency Helped Commercial Auto Break Even, Almost

A sharp decline in claim frequency helped the commercial auto line achieve its best underwriting performance in a decade last year, but rising claim severity threatens to erode profits as traffic returns to US roadways, according to a report released …

Traffic Returning to Roadways, But Claims Patterns May Shift Permanently

The number of cars on US roadways is returning to normal as states ease COVID-19 restrictions, but that doesn’t necessarily mean claims frequency and severity will return to historic patterns. Metromile, a San Francisco-based pay-as-you-go auto insurer, expects a permanent …

Survey: Claim Severity Driving Rate Increases for Architecture and Engineering Firms

Rising claim severity is leading to rate increases for professional liability insurance sold to architecture and engineering firms, according to a report released Tuesday by Ames & Gough. The brokerage, headquartered in McLean, Va., said that 73% of professional liability …

Hospital Costs Rising Even Though Claimants Avoiding Emergency Rooms

Auto casualty claimants are avoiding hospital emergency rooms during the COVID-19 pandemic but are generating increased hospital charges anyway, according to a new report by Mitchell, a San Diego-based claims administrator. “Anecdotally, we have heard that some people have been …