Data Shows Hurricanes and Earthquakes Grab Headlines But Inland Counties Top Disaster List

Floyd County keeps flooding and the federal government keeps coming to the rescue. In July 2022, at least 40 people died and 300 homes were damaged when the eastern Kentucky county flooded. It was the 13th time in 12 years …

Disaster-Struck Cities Fight for Aid as FEMA Runs Low

A once in 200-years storm dumped 11 inches of rain over four hours on the central Massachusetts town of Leominster in September, washing away culverts, creating a sinkhole that swallowed cars at a dealership and flooding the city council chambers …

Vermont Seeks Federal Damage Assessment for Floods Caused by Hurricane Beryl’s Remnants

Vermont is seeking an assessment to determine whether last week’s flooding, which damaged homes, knocked down bridges and washed out roads, qualifies for a federal disaster declaration and aid. The flooding from the remnants of Hurricane Beryl happened a year …

Biden Administration Raises FEMA Bar for Flood Resilience

The US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has finalized a rule mandating that projects built using its funds not only take into account previous and current levels of local flood risk, but for the first time consider the future risk …

Hundreds of Thousands in Southeast Now in Flood Zones With New Maps

Many more properties, including hundreds of thousands of homes across Florida and other parts of the Southeast, will be required to purchase flood insurance after July 31, due to revisions in federal flood maps. For some of the most exposed …

FEMA Ready for Extreme Hurricanes and Wildfires, But Money is a Concern

The head of the Homeland Security Department said that the agency tasked with responding to disasters across the country is prepared as it goes into what is expected to be an intense hurricane and wildfire season but he’s concerned about …

FEMA Expands Reinsurance Program by Transferring $575M in Flood Risk to Capital Markets

The Federal Emergency Management Agency in an effort to engage reinsurance markets to bolster the financial framework of the National Flood Insurance Program and promote private sector participation in flood-risk management has again obtained reinsurance coverage through insurance-linked securities reinsurance. …

Reforms to US Disaster Aid Expose Growing Home Insurance Gap

When disaster hits in the US, the federal government gives aid to states and counties, but also to individuals. In 2022, the Federal Emergency Management Agency delivered $3.25 billion to nearly 1.4 million households recovering from damaging floods and fires. …

Stranded Hurricane Fiona Victims in Puerto Rico Await Aid

Hurricane Fiona left hundreds of people stranded across Puerto Rico after smashing roads and bridges, with authorities still struggling to reach people four days after the storm smacked the U.S. territory, causing historic flooding. For now, government officials are working …

Reconstruction Efforts Drag in Puerto Rico 5 Years After Maria

Jetsabel Osorio Chevere looked up with a sad smile as she leaned against her battered home. Nearly five years have gone by since Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico, and no one has offered her family a plastic tarp or zinc …