Florida school shooting News

Florida School Shooting’s Criminal, Civil Cases Progress Slowly

The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre resulted in criminal and civil court cases and the creation of a state investigative panel examining the shooting’s causes. A look at where those stand: CRIMINAL CASE The murder case against 20-year-old Nikolas …

Panel: Sheriff’s Policy Contributed to Florida Massacre

The commission investigating a Florida high school massacre heavily criticized the responding sheriff office’s active shooter policy Thursday, saying it contributed to the failure of some deputies to run into the building and confront the gunman. The Marjory Stoneman Douglas …

Investigators Say Florida School Design Contributed to Massacre

Faulty classroom design and failures in the police radio and 911 systems contributed to the chaos and deaths during the recent Florida high school massacre, a commission investigating the shooting was told at its first meeting Tuesday. Broward Sheriff’s Office …