Modest Decline in U.S. Pedestrian Deaths Last Year Bucks Decade-Long Trend

A modest 3% decline in pedestrian deaths in the first half of last year comes amid a decade-long rise in deaths of people walking in the U.S., a new report from the Governors Highway Safety Association shows. Drivers killed 3,304 …

To Combat Surge in Pedestrian Deaths NTSB Calls for Safety Measures

The National Transportation Safety Board is calling for a three-pronged approach to combat pedestrian fatalities, which have ballooned in the last decade. The board on Tuesday recommended safety improvements to vehicles – such as improved headlights and braking systems – …

Crossing the Street Becoming More Dangerous

Last year was the deadliest year for pedestrians in the United States since 1996, according to a report by the Governor’s Highway Safety Association, which collects and analyzes data from state highway safety offices. Preliminary data show that 5,997 pedestrians …

Federal Agencies Propose New Plan to Tackle Drowsy Driving

Drowsy driving’s annual societal costs are estimated to be $109 billion, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA). The figure is likely higher given that it doesn’t include property damage costs. With …

Advocacy Groups Want Stronger Texting Ban in Oklahoma

Just six months after Oklahoma’s ban on texting and driving went into effect, advocacy groups are calling for even broader measures to curb distracted driving. Oklahoma was among the last states to pass a texting and driving moratorium when the …

New Data Links Speed Limit Increase to More Road Deaths

Increasing speed limits in states across the country between 1993 and 2013 have led to 33,000 fatalities on U.S. roadways, according to new research by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Excessive speed contributes to a tremendous proportion of …

Bike Fatalities Rise, Adult Males at Highest Risk

The number of bicyclists killed on U.S. roadways is trending upward, particularly for certain subsets of the population, according to a report released by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA). GHSA’s Spotlight on Highway Safety: Bicyclist Safety notes that yearly …

Speeding Still a Factor in a Third of Fatal Teen Driving Crashes

Speeding is a primary culprit in a third of fatal crashes involving teen drivers, according to a new report from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA). “Speeding-Related Fatal Crashes Among Teen Drivers and Opportunities for Reducing the Risks,” authored by …

Summer is Most Dangerous Time for Teens on the Road

Memorial Day through Labor Day is the most dangerous time of the year for teens to be on the road, according to the Insurance Information Institute. Statistics from Tire Rack Street Survival,a national nonprofit teen driving education program, show that …