hurricane protection News

$1 Spent on Hurricane Protection Equals $105 in Business Property Loss Savings

Take it to the bank: Every $1 a business spends on hurricane protection in the U.S. reduces loss exposure by an average of $105. That’s based on a new analysis by FM Global, a global commercial and industrial property insurer. …

Work Begins on Louisiana Levee Project

Terrebonne Parish flood protection planners are taking the first steps toward building the western footprint of the Morganza-to-the-Gulf levee system in Louisiana. The 98-mile system’s newest authorization from Congress earlier this year extended its footprint about16 miles west from the …

Work Strengthens Louisiana Hospital Against Future Storms

Repairs are underway to strengthen Leonard J. Chabert Medical Center against future hurricanes. The work, which includes replacement of hospital freight elevators, windows and exterior walls, will be paid for with Federal Emergency Management Agency grant money and state infrastructure …