February 5, 2025
Bigger vehicles may be safer, but only marginally, and they carry risks to other vehicles on the road, new research from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety shows. For vehicles weighing less than fleet average, the risk that occupants will …
January 9, 2025
Clothes that make people stand out to human drivers may make them invisible to automated crash prevention systems, a new study suggests. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety studied conspicuous clothes and crashes into pedestrians in a report released on …
June 13, 2024
More than 60% of the drivers in the United States would find it acceptable if their vehicle provided an audible and visual warning when they exceeded the posted speed limit, a survey by Insurance Institute for Highway Safety showed on …
September 19, 2022
A nighttime test of pedestrian automatic emergency braking (AEB) systems to address the high percentage of pedestrian crashes that occur on dark roads has been introduced by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Four of the first 23 midsize …
September 13, 2018
Five years ago, encouraged by home builders and an anti-regulatory zeal, lawmakers in North Carolina joined other states in weakening building code requirements. It’s a decision they may regret as Hurricane Florence takes aim at the Carolinas. The Legislature in …
August 8, 2018
Cars and trucks with electronic driver assist systems may not see stopped vehicles and could even steer you into a crash if you’re not paying attention, an insurance industry group warns. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, in a paper …
August 7, 2018
The Uber Technologies Inc. self-driving test vehicle that killed a pedestrian in Arizona earlier this year may have been able to avoid the crash had the ride-hailing company not disabled Volvo Cars’s safety system, according to a safety group. In …
August 2, 2018
The Trump administration says people would drive more and be exposed to increased risk if their cars get better gas mileage, an argument intended to justify freezing Obama-era toughening of fuel standards. Transportation experts dispute the arguments, contained in a …
August 2, 2018
It’s not Super Bowl Sunday or even New Year’s Eve that makes for the most lethal day on U.S. highways. It’s Aug. 2. Thursday is when, on average, car wrecks are likely to kill more Americans than any other day …
June 26, 2018
The next time you hop on a bicycle to head across town, consider this: your helmet may not perform well enough in an accident. A first-of-its-kind study using the latest techniques for simulating head injuries found significant variations in how …