injured worker News

Frito-Lay Employee’s Injury in Hoops Tourney Out of Bounds for Workers’ Comp

A forklift driver for Frito-Lay who injured his achilles tendon playing in a company basketball game is not covered by workers compensation. The Virginia Workers Compensation Commission (VWCC) upheld the denial of benefits because the employee’s voluntary participation in the …

‘Old School’ Job Search Benefits Injured Worker in Lost Wages Claim

A manufacturer and its workers compensation insurer thought an injured 60-year old service technician employee did not work hard enough to find a suitable replacement job as required to qualify for wage loss benefits. Among other things, he did not …

2025 Claims Management: A Year of Transformation, Strict Regulations or Business-as-Usual?

Driven by technological advancements, evolving workplace dynamics, and an ever-changing regulatory environment, significant shifts have emerged in how workers’ compensation claims are managed. The pace of change is unlikely to slow, prompting the need for adaptation in claims handling processes. …

California Workers’ Comp Public Self-Insured Losses Rise Despite Claim Volume Decline

Increases in average medical payments and average indemnity payments drove public self-insureds’ total paid losses up last year even though the number of claims fell, a new report shows. The California Workers’ Compensation Institute reviewed the initial report on fiscal …

He Saved the Chocolates But Lost His Workers’ Compensation Insurance

An employee who was injured when rescuing chocolate candies from the heat in his employer-owned delivery truck is not due workers’ compensation benefits. The Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission (WCC) upheld a deputy commissioner’s denial of benefits, agreeing that Ronald Mark …

Claim Frequency in California Workers’ Comp Higher in L.A. Area, Study Shows

Claim frequency in California workers’ compensation remains significantly higher in the Los Angeles Basin than in the northern part of the state, a new study shows. The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California released its WCIRB Geo Study 2024, …

Injured Worker Medical Costs Per Claim in California 10% Below Other States in Study

Workers’ compensation medical payments per claim in California were 10% below the median state of a 17-state study sample for claims with experience through March 2023, a study from the Workers Compensation Research Institute shows. The WCRI study, CompScope Medical …

Worker Injured While Drunk on the Job Wins Claim Approval

A worker injured when he fell from a ladder is entitled to workers’ compensation benefits despite the fact he was intoxicated at the time of the accident. An appellate court in New York has upheld a decision of the Workers’ …

The ‘Greenhouse Effect’: How an Oft-Touted Climate Solution Threatens Agricultural Workers

MOREHEAD, Ky. (AP) — To harvest tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers, to clip herbs, to prune and propagate succulents, people work in oppressive heat and humidity. Some wring out shirts soaked with sweat. Some contend with headaches, dizziness and nausea. Some …

Amazon Worker Injured Due to Repetitive Tasks Loses Workers’ Compensation Bid

An Amazon distribution center worker in Virginia whose job entailed repetitive lifting and stowing of items all day and who suffered rotator cuff tears has been denied workers’ compensation benefits because she failed to prove her injury resulted from an …