National Council on Compensation Insurance News

2025 Claims Management: A Year of Transformation, Strict Regulations or Business-as-Usual?

Driven by technological advancements, evolving workplace dynamics, and an ever-changing regulatory environment, significant shifts have emerged in how workers’ compensation claims are managed. The pace of change is unlikely to slow, prompting the need for adaptation in claims handling processes. …

NCCI Identifies ‘Big 3′ Workers’ Comp Issues to Watch

Employers will face three major workplace safety challenges in the coming years, but all can be mitigated through evolving safety solutions, workers’ compensation professionals say. The report, Challenges for Today’s Worker–The Big Three: Physical Space, Mental Health and Environmental Impact, …

Viewpoint: The Impact of Behavioral Health on Workers’ Comp

Workers’ compensation is a crucial safety net for employees who suffer injuries or illnesses in the workplace by providing financial support, rehabilitation and medical care. However, beyond the physical aspects of workplace injuries, the role of behavioral health in workers’ …

NYSIF: 31% of COVID Claimants Suffer Long-Term Illness, but Rate Declining

A report released this month by New York State Insurance Fund found that 31% of workers who filed claims for COVID-19 continued medical treatment or took time off work more than 60 days after the initial infection. NYSIF’s report is …

NCCI: Almost One Quarter of COVID Claimants Suffer Prolonged Symptoms

Nearly a quarter of workers’ compensation claimants who were treated for COVID-19 experienced persistent symptoms or a relapse months later, according to a new study by the National Council on Compensation Insurance. The researchers found workers who were hospitalized for …

NCCI: Work Comp Claim Frequency Dipped During Height of Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic corresponded with an unusual decrease in workers’ compensation claim severity, while claim frequency was pretty much unchanged, according to a report released Wednesday by the National Council on Compensation Insurance. NCCI said average claim severity for lost-time …

NCCI: Workers’ Comp Reserve Redundancy Reaches $14 Billion

Workers’ compensation insurers continue to stow away more money than necessary in reserves, even as reported loss ratios continue to climb, according to a report released Wednesday by the National Council on Compensation Insurance. Coincidentally, also on Wednesday, A.M. Best …

NCCI: Workers’ Comp Line Thrives Despite COVID-19

The workers’ compensation line powered through the COVID-19 pandemic last year, generating an average profit of 24% while carriers built up $14 billion in “redundant reserves,” the National Council on Compensation Insurance said Tuesday during its virtual Annual Issues Symposium. …

NCCI Says Fewer Miles Driven During Pandemic Means Fewer Comp Claims

The COVID-19 pandemic comes with one bright spot for workers’ compensation insurers: Fewer workers are being injured in motor vehicle accidents. A research brief issued by the National Council on Compensation Insurance last week projects that workers’ compensation claims caused …

Amazon Injuries Risk State Backlash, Higher Workers’ Comp Costs

Injuries in Inc. warehouses could damage more than just the company’s reputation. They could start to hurt the e-commerce giant’s bottom line, as well. Washington state’s workplace safety regulator says workers in Amazon’s highly automated warehouses are injured at …