research News

3 Years After the Marshall Fire: Wildfire Smoke’s Health Risks Can Linger Long-Term in Homes That Escape Burning

Three years ago, on Dec. 30, 2021, a wind-driven wildfire raced through two communities just outside Boulder, Colorado. In the span of about eight hours, more than 1,000 homes and businesses burned. The fire left entire blocks in ash, but …

Equipment Breakdown Tops Small Restaurant Claims List

With restaurant sales projected to top $1 trillion and reach record-breaking heights this year, a California-based insurance technology company versed in the space recently analyzed data from more than 30,000 small business restaurant owners across the U.S. to determine the …

Hard Market Conditions Expected to Ease in 2025 as Claims Inflation Softens: Swiss Re

Hard market conditions in the global non-life insurance sector will continue this year, but will begin to ease in 2025, as general inflation and claims inflation conditions soften, according to Swiss Re in a report, which discusses the macroeconomic factors …

Insurers Laud Infrastructure Bill’s Nod to Marijuana Impairment Research

The $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that became law last week earmarks billions for projects to improve safety for cars and trucks and protect properties from floods and wildfires. But one of the provisions most welcomed by insurers doesn’t appropriate any …

Viewpoint: Covid-19 Shows That Scientific Journals Need to Open Up

One big change brought on by Covid-19 is that virtually all the scientific research being produced about it is free to read. Anyone can access the many preliminary findings that scholars are posting on “preprint servers.” Data are shared openly …

Institute Says Self-Driving Cars Could Prevent Only a Third of U.S. Crashes

Self-driving cars, long touted by developers as a way to eliminate road deaths, could likely only prevent a third of all U.S. road crashes, an analysis of traffic accidents released on Thursday has found. The study by the Insurance Institute …

RiskStream Hoping Insurers Share FNOL Data on Blockchain

A research team funded by insurance carriers will soon launch a system that uses block chain technology to allow claims adjusters from multiple insurers to share access to a single first notice of loss. The RiskStream Collaborative said that it …

US Researchers on Front Line of Battle Against Chinese Theft

WASHINGTON — As the U.S. warned allies around the world that Chinese tech giant Huawei was a security threat, the FBI was making the same point quietly to a Midwestern university. In an email to the associate vice chancellor for …

University of Georgia Research Shows Simulators Reduce Police Car Crashes

Police car wrecks are the biggest risk management expense related to law enforcement, causing local governments to lose money. New research from the University of Georgia shows that a driver training program can result in big savings. Specifically, proper training …

Patterns of Compulsive Smartphone Use Suggest How to Kick the Habit

Everywhere you look, people are looking at screens. In the decade since smartphones have become ubiquitous, we now have a feeling almost as common as the smartphones themselves: being sucked into that black hole of staring at those specific apps …