May 7, 2013
Patent demands are taking a big toll on technology companies, with results that range from forcing companies to tweak their products to exiting their business altogether, according to a study from the Santa Clara University School of Law. The study …
November 29, 2012
The benign period for liability insurance results may have run its course. Current trends in loss frequency, tort filings, and reserve releases suggest that an inflection point may have been reached, according to a new study by Conning. The Conning …
August 7, 2012
A new study conducted by researchers at the Center for Injury Research and Policy of The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and The Ohio State University compared medically attended nonoccupational and occupational injuries among U.S. workers with and without …
March 14, 2012
The overall cost and frequency of so called $50 million plus “super losses” in the U.S. healthcare insurance sector are on the rise. According to a report from specialist healthcare insurer Hiscox, the large losses keep on getting larger with …
March 13, 2012
Consumer Reports, the 76-year-old publication best known for its reviews of automobiles and refrigerators, is trying to galvanize the American public into protesting the way medical devices are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The past couple of …
March 1, 2012
Motorists driving within the first year after passing their driving test are considerably more likely to obtain a conviction or make a claim than when learning, according to new research by Admiral. The UK car insurer looked at data from …
December 16, 2011
When someone is talking to you, your brain is listening, processing and thinking about what’s being said – even if you’re in the driver’s seat trying to concentrate on traffic. That’s why drivers get distracted during cellphone conversations, even when …
December 5, 2011
New technology is bringing both headaches and help to Washington courtrooms. The Tri-City Herald reports jurors are repeatedly reminded not to do any research on their smartphones or computers in the middle of a trial. But that hasn’t stopped some …
October 28, 2011
The widow of a man killed by a grizzly bear not long after the animal awoke from tranquilizers in the wild country near Yellowstone National Park has filed a wrongful death lawsuit. Yolanda Evert filed suit Tuesday in U.S. District …
September 21, 2011
After the 1910 wildfires charred 3 million acres across Idaho, eastern Washington and Montana, the U.S. Forest Service hired its first full-time wildfire researcher. For nearly three decades Harry Gisborn sought to understand how weather and topography affected the spread …