World Meteorological Organization News

Extreme Weather in 2024 Forced Most People to Flee in 16 Years

Extreme weather last year including typhoons, heatwaves and flooding led to the biggest displacement of people since 2008, and exacerbated a food crisis in more than a dozen countries, according to a report. Tropical cyclones were responsible for many of …

A Nasty I of the Storm: Ida is 12th I Hurricane Name Retired

There’s something about hurricanes starting with the letter I that is particularly nasty. Last year’s Ida now joins the list of storms so deadly their names don’t get used again. The World Meteorological Organization said Wednesday that it was retiring …

Climate Change Extremes Spur UN Plan to Fund Weather Forecasting

GLASGOW–As climate change triggers deadly heatwaves, droughts and floods, three U.N. agencies on Wednesday will roll out funding plans to improve weather forecasting in vulnerable countries. The initiative, announced at the U.N. climate summit in Glasgow, aims to plug gaps …

Rising Global Temperatures ‘Inexorably Closer’ to Climate Tipping Point – U.N.

There is now a 40% chance that global temperatures will temporarily reach 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels in the next five years — and these odds are rising, a U.N. report said on Wednesday. This does not yet mean …

America’s New Normal: A Degree Hotter Than Two Decades Ago

America’s new normal temperature is a degree hotter than it was just two decades ago. Scientists have long talked about climate change — hotter temperatures, changes in rain and snowfall and more extreme weather — being the “new normal.” Data …

Assumptions About Hurricane Season Face Winds of Change

With named storms coming earlier and more often in warmer waters, some assumptions about the Atlantic hurricane season are being rethought. For six straight years, Atlantic storms have been named in May, before the season even begins. On Wednesday, a …

The Arctic is on Fire: Siberian Heat Wave Alarms Scientists

MOSCOW — The Arctic is feverish and on fire — at least parts of it are. And that’s got scientists worried about what it means for the rest of the world. The thermometer hit a likely record of 38 degrees …

The Pandemic Has Started Weakening the World’s Weather Forecasts

The pandemic that has idled scores of commercial flights is having a little-noticed consequence for meteorologists, whose forecasts rely in part on data collected from planes. That means a crucial eye in the sky has weakened just as spring flood …

This Year Hottest on Record Says UN Weather Agency

Because of man-made global warming and a strong El Nino, Earth’s wild weather this year is bursting the annual heat record, the World Meteorological Organization announced on Wednesday. The United Nations weather agency’s early bird report on 2015 says it …

El Nino Looking Likely This Year, Says U.S. Climate Center

The odds are increasing that an El Nino weather system will form this year, portending drought for Australia and Asia and a warmer winter in the U.S. Northeast. The U.S. Climate Prediction Center now says there’s a 65 percent chance …