The Professional Insurance Agents of New Jersey Inc. treasurer, Gary Rygiel, was selected to represent the association in a working group addressing workers’ compensation premium fraud and evasion. The group is under the direction of the Office of Fraud Prosecutors. Rygiel is executive vice president of Liberty Insurance, Millstone Township, N.J.
“For the past year, Gary has served as chairman for PIANJ’s Legislative and Regulatory committee and has a firm understanding of these issues and how they affect insurance consumers throughout the state,” said Louis Beckerman, president, PIANJ. “He will represent the views of insurance producers well at the group’s quarterly meetings.”
The Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor, the Workers’ Compensation and Rating and Inspection Bureau, as well as several insurance company representatives also are part of the group.
An active member of PIANJ, Rygiel is a member of the PIANJ Auto Task Force and the Central Advisory Council. He recently was approved to chair PIANJ’s newly formed Insurance Availability Task Force. He was awarded PIANJ’s Director of the Year award at this year’s PIANJ/PIANY joint annual conference.
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