Cargo Theft Surges as Holiday Season Approaches, Verisk Says

December 20, 2024

Be on the lookout for Grinch-like characters hanging out at transportation hubs over the holidays.

A CargoNet analysis of holiday-period theft data from the past five years shows a heightened risk during the Christmas and New Year periods.

The days immediately following Christmas have historically been the most active for cargo theft, according to CargoNet, a Verisk business and specialist in cargo theft prevention and recovery.

An analysis of 261 theft events between December 23 and January 2 over the past five years shows Dec. 27 and 29 as peak days for criminal activity, with 31 reported incidents each day.

Cargo theft also tends to pick up over the Thanksgiving period. According to a supply chain analysis by CargoNet, 174 significant theft events typically take place during a six-day window from the Tuesday before Thanksgiving through the following Monday over the past five years.

The increasing sophistication of cargo theft operations has also contributed to a steady rise in holiday season incidents. The 2019 through 2021 holiday seasons averaged 43 events per year, before jumping to 59 in 2022 and reaching 73 in 2023.

The trends indicate this upward trajectory will continue through the 2024 holiday period, according to CargoNet.

California, Texas, and Florida are the most targeted states for cargo theft. Shelby County, Tennessee was the most targeted county, followed by Dallas County, Texas, and San Bernardino and Los Angeles counties in California, the data shows.

Cargo thieves are particularly interested in specific commodities. Vehicle accessories like motor oil, auto parts and tires are the most stolen, followed by televisions and other display screens and alcoholic beverages.

While sophisticated fraud schemes are increasing, traditional theft methods that include stolen trailers and full shipment theft continue to account for the majority of incidents, according to CargoNet.

The surge in criminal activity has been particularly noticeable in 2024. As of Dec. 18, reported incidents have already surpassed all of 2023 by several hundred incidents.

The combination of extended holiday closures, reduced staffing levels, and stressed compliance resources creates an easy environment for cargo thieves, according to CargoNet.

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