Insurance payments from the May tornado outbreak across Central Oklahoma have now topped $1 billion.
“These numbers are staggering,” said Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John D. Doak. “We’ve topped $1 billion in payments and the rebuilding is just beginning. We expected to see these amounts and they continue to go up every week. This is a major catastrophe that’s impacted thousands of Oklahomans. Some survivors are still dealing with insurance and rebuilding issues. We can’t fix everything overnight, but we will be here for them until the last claim is paid.”

Oklahomans have filed nearly 91,000 claims since May 19 th, but some are still dealing with unresolved insurance claims, which is not uncommon three to four months after a large-scale disaster. The Oklahoma Insurance Department is hosting a recovery assistance event to help address those issues. The Recovery Roundup will be held Saturday, Aug. 17, at Southmoore High School from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Commissioner Doak has requested that all major insurance companies send several representatives to the event to meet with policyholders and address any unresolved claims or concerns. Oklahoma Emergency Management, FEMA and officials from the cities of Moore and Oklahoma City will also be available to answer questions about debris removal, permits and other rebuilding issues.
OID experts at the Recovery Roundup can help consumers with issues relating to all types of insurance, including homeowners, auto, commercial property, life and health. OID help is also available by calling 1-800-522-0071.
Source: Oklahoma Insurance Department
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